
Agents generate actions in response to states of the environment. Usually they also learn certain behaviours in response to a reward signal. Agents are the primary object of interest to reinforcement learning researchers, and you’ll probably spend most of your time working on them. In q2, an agent is any Python class that inherits the q2.Agent abstract base class [1], which simply means that it has to implement a certain set of methods:

class q2.agents.Agent

An abstract base class (interface) that specifies what an agent must implement. You will fill in your own definitions for each of these methods.

__init__(observation_space, action_space)

This is where you define the model and setup any other objects that the agent needs.

act(state, training_flag) → action

This method is called whenever an action is needed. It takes an environment state (e.g. cart-pole position and velocity) and a boolean flag that tells the agent whether this is training or testing. It should return a valid action.

Note: this method should be as close to a pure function as possible, always returning the agents best guess for what to do next given the state. Side-effects like updating internal state should be handled by step.

step(state, action, reward, next_state, episode_end)

This method is the agent’s chance to do some work between steps of the environment. It is called once every time step and should be used to do things like run the learning step, or update an internal buffer of environment observations.

learn(states, actions, rewards, next_states, episode_ends) → loss

This should run a learning step to update the agent’s model using the batch of training data passed as argumnets. It will typically be called from within step, but q2 requires you to implement it separately so that training regimens can control when the agent learns.

load(), save()

These two methods are responsible for loading and saving anything the agent needs to keep around between training sessions e.g. TensorFlow checkpoint files.

q2 will call these methods for you during training sessions. For example, in the default training regimen (online), act is called when the environment is ready for the action to supply it’s next action, step is called after the environment has updated to its next state, and load and save are called at the beginning and end of the training session respectively [2].

When you generate a new agent with q2 generate agent <agent_name>, these methods are stubbed out for you with an implementation drawn from the random agent (which simply chooses a random action at each time step). This is so that you can see a basic implementation and hack on it instead of starting from scratch.

Implementation checklist

Here is the basic implementation checklist for creating an agent that uses deep learning:

  1. Run q2 generate agent my_agent to generate a new agent from template.
  2. In __init__, define your network. From here on I will assume you named the tensor that represents the agents output actions as self.action, and the tensor that represents the agents learning step as self.optimize.
  3. In act, call action =, feed_dict={...}) with the appropriate inputs and return the action at the end.
  4. In learn, call loss =[self.loss, self.optimize], feed_dict={...}) with the appropriate inputs and return the loss at the end.
  5. In step, handle the new environment state and call self.learn(...) somewhere.
  6. The default implementations of save and load are good enough for most purposes, I recommend that you leave them as they are until there is a reason to change them.


[1]See q2/agents/ for the full abstract base class.
[2]learn is only explicitly called by the regimen during offline training.